From Ohrid with Love...

Track list and references:
1. Dimitri from Paris - Welcome Aboard, Cruising Attitude
2. Eric Prydz - Generate, Opus, 2016
3. Satoshi Fumi - Toriton, 2016
4. Zorg - One Night In Monte Carlo, La Vie Privée De Zorg, 2003
5. The Cinematic Orchestra - Reel Life (Evolution II), Man With a Movie Camera
6. Celso Fonseca - Na Pele De Um Flaneur, Rive Gauche Rio, Ziriguiboom 2005
7. A Reminiscent Drive - Flame One (EP), F Communications, 1996
8. Dan Gibson - Heart of the Forest, Piano Cascades
9. Air - Night Sight, Pocket Symphony, 2007
10. Thievery Corporation feat. Herb Alpert, Lemon tree
11. Prince Alec project - Like you
12. Ulrich Schnauss - Suddenly the Trees Are Giving Way, Far Away Trains Passing By, 2007
13. Zorg - Lady, La Vie Privée De Zorg, 2003
14. Mandalay - This life, This Life (Disc 1), V2, 1997
15. John Beltran - Anticipation, Earth & Nightfall, R & S Records, 1995
16. Obiman - On The Rocks (T Polar Remix), Secret Life
17. Pachanga Boys - Time, Girlcatcher, 2011
18. End transition from album Kharmalion
Released: 26/09/2016
S. Young Music