Bons baisers de Bruxelles...

Track list and references:
1. Dimitri from Paris - Welcome Aboard, Cruising Attitude
2. ATB - Within A Dream, Next, 2017
3. A Reminiscent Drive - Smokey Mountains, Ambrosia, 2000
4. Charlie Haden - Moonlight (Claro de Luna), Nocturne, 2001
5. Batu - Don't, Hessle Audio, 2017
6. Cantoma - Katja, Cantoma, Horizon (17), 2003
7. Ralph Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on Greensleeves, Royal Promenade Orchestra, 1995
8. Thomas Datt - Amity (feat. Kenidel Lopez) (Original Mix), Inside The Glacier, Discover, 2014
9. John Barry - The Midnight Cowboy Theme, Midnight Cowboy, 1969
10. The Irresistible Force - Space Is The Place, Underground EP, 1992
11. Keyboy - GladLaks I Galaxen, Paper Recordings
12. The Art of Noise - Island, Below the Waste, 1989
13. Begin - Day Happens, NEXT IMAGE EP, 2012
14. End transition from album Kharmalion
Released: 19/09/2017
S. Young Music